1. Google Has Replaced the Resume
Recruiters are now using Google and LinkedIn searches to find talent,
instead of paying for job-board or talent databases, like they used to
do. In fact, many companies are even mandating that every new
application go through a Google screening process. So that means the
first page of your Google results matter much more than they ever did
The problem is that what Google delivers on a search for your name
isn’t regulated and is very difficult for the user to control. After
all, background checks are very carefully regulated in order to avoid
the types of misunderstandings happening now, online. Furthermore,
Google’s algorithm changes several times a year. So what can you do
about it?
The last thing you should do is ignore this reality. So the job
seeker has two courses of action. First, you become a publisher of your
own content and flood Google’s spiders with lots of great keyword rich
content, my post on finding keywords. Second, you control the results on a Google search with Vizibility.com.
2. A Summary is Enough
Today, the resume is used mostly in the screening process while
actual decisions are made after interviews. And because there are so
many candidates competing for each job, HR people (or hiring managers if
they are tasked with recruitment) often scan resumes very briefly. In
fact, the average time on a resume is 30 seconds. Most resumes today are
no longer than two pages but still include the expanded sections of
yesterday’s longer resumes. So keep it short and take out that extra
bullet point. Check out the new service called The One Page Job Proposal.
3. Social Proof is a Must
Social proof, testimonials or recommendations seriously reduce the
perceived risk of you as a candidate. The most costly mistake a hiring
manager can make is to hire the wrong person. Some say that if a
new-hire leaves within three months, it costs the organization one and
half that person’s annual salary. And with the economy as tight as it
is, you can understand why hiring managers are so risk averse.
Set their mind at ease by offering testimonials on your resume and
LinkedIn profile. A good standard is to have the number of
recommendations equal to 10% of the number of contacts in your network.
4. Resumes and Cover letters are Not Read on Paper Anymore
Most organizations are not receiving paper resumes and when they get
them via email or their application system, they don’t print them. So
expect your resumes and cover letter to be read on a computer screen.
This means you have to format your documents in a way that makes
screen-scanning easy.
- Use headlines to break up content
- Keep paragraphs short
- Use bold and italics to emphasis key points
- Make sure there is plenty of white space on the page
- Use color tastefully, consider adding logos, icons or charts
5. Relationships First, Résumé’s Second
Resumes are not used as introductory documents much these days. In
fact, “send me your résumé” is often an after thought after an
introduction is made. And if an introduction is made online, then your
online profile offers much more information than a résumé. So shift your
priorities from, “Oh crap, I have to get my résumé done!” to, “Oh crap,
where can I meet some more people today?” or “Oh crap, how can I look
better online”.
6. Employers Only Care About What They Want
In years past, a resume or job application was focused on what the
job seeker wanted. This is not true any more. Now an application, resume
or cover letter must speak to what value the seeker can bring to the
organization. How can you bring value to the company and how soon can
the company realize that value. Keep this in mind as you write your
online profiles.
7. Don’t Mind the Gap
Large gaps in your resume are not as important as they used to be.
Not only do employers today realize than millions of great and wonderful
people got laid off, they also appreciate it when candidates showed
initiative and tried to start their own thing. Some analysts even
predict that by 2020, most professionals will use the internet to
generate multiple streams of income in addition to their day job.
8. Nouns are the New Currency
Screening software and LinkedIn talent searches have introduced an
unexpected element to the way a résumé should be written. Because these
tools rely on nouns or keywords to deliver search results to
recruiters, the resumes with the right combination of nouns often win.
Although these tools are expected to become much more sophisticated in
the next two or three years, how you find and use keywords is now a very
important part of your job search, see my post on finding keywords.
If you want to succeed in today’s job search, make a commitment to
learn how to research keywords and how to use them appropriately on the
page. Of course those powerful verbs your college career adviser gave
you are still important too.
9. Everyone Has a Personal Brand, Yes, Everyone
Ten years ago, not many people even knew what a personal brand was, let alone was having one really that accessible. These days, even if you don’t know what it is, you still have one. And because recruiters and hiring managers are just looking for red flags, inconsistencies in your image or messaging will prevent you from passing screening. Even if you never touched a computer in your life, you have a personal brand as well as an online reputation. So you have to decide, will you be in control of your image or will someone else? See my post on why having a brand is so important.
Ten years ago, not many people even knew what a personal brand was, let alone was having one really that accessible. These days, even if you don’t know what it is, you still have one. And because recruiters and hiring managers are just looking for red flags, inconsistencies in your image or messaging will prevent you from passing screening. Even if you never touched a computer in your life, you have a personal brand as well as an online reputation. So you have to decide, will you be in control of your image or will someone else? See my post on why having a brand is so important.
10. Typing isn’t a Skill Anymore
Being able to type used to be a skill people would highlight on their resumes. Now, you have to know how to type just to have a resume. What really matters is how well you’ve prepared yourself for the application. You have access to more information about a company then generations past. As a result, expectations for preparedness are much higher. To really shine, focus on customizing each résumé and cover letter. It’s better to send off a few very targeted applications then it is to spray and pray.
Being able to type used to be a skill people would highlight on their resumes. Now, you have to know how to type just to have a resume. What really matters is how well you’ve prepared yourself for the application. You have access to more information about a company then generations past. As a result, expectations for preparedness are much higher. To really shine, focus on customizing each résumé and cover letter. It’s better to send off a few very targeted applications then it is to spray and pray.
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