
Friday, 23 October 2015

Saving Money on Auto Insurance

As gas prices gradually creep up again, you probably are looking for ways to save money at the pump. The following are a few simple items you may not be aware of, but could help you save some cash next time you "fill 'er up:"
Make sure and watch for any offers from your local gas station. Some gas stations offer discounts to
consumers who fill up their car's tanks on certain days.
2. Credit cards
Many credit card companies offer a percentage off each fuel transaction. Discover Card, for example, offers 5 percent back on fuel purchases. Just remember to pay off the bill in full because tacked on interest will eliminate any possible savings.
3. Get the lead out
Try altering the way you drive. Take some of the lead off your foot and reduce your driving speeds. Cars are not as fuel-efficient at faster speeds, plus, you'll cut your risk of getting into an accident or receiving an expensive speeding ticket.
4.Shop online.
Before getting in the car and driving to the store, try surfing the Web and shop online. Besides gas , it could save you a lot of time and money, too.
5. Check for cheap gas prices
Check out websites that post the cheapest gas prices in your area.
6. Combine trips or carpool
Do you have a lot of stops to make during a given week? See how many stops you can combine into one trip. Also, do you travel near where your spouse or neighbor works? Why not carpool? You can share the expenses and alternate days to drive. It will reduce fuel consumption and wear and tear on your car.
7. Check your tires
Under inflated tires can ruin the tread on your tires and lower the fuel efficiency on your car by as much as 3.3 percent.
8. Maintain your vehicle
The Federal Trade Commission says a tuned engine can increase your gas mileage by 4 percent.
9. Lighten your load
Extra junk being lugged around in your car can reduce fuel efficiency by 2 percent. So if you aren't heading to your child's game or practice, just keep their equipment in the house or garage. Every little bit helps.
Get more tips and advice on saving money on auto insurance on Insurance Information Center.
It's easy to get a free auto insurance quote and even buy a policy if you like what you see - all online at

Time Saving Tips: Spend more Time Doing
What you Love

Time Saving Tips As our workloads at the office and at home continue to increase, finding the time to spend with our families play with our kids, or just enjoying some leisure time is no easy feat. But it's not impossible. Take a couple of minutes to read and apply these next steps, and you could carve out up to an extra 80 minutes a month to spend doing things you love.
1.Combine work and personal tasks into one calendar
A simple way to streamline all aspects of your life is to combine them in one calendar. Maintain one organized planner that pulls together multiple aspects of your life and you'll forget what it felt like to be worried you were forgetting something.
2. Buy greeting cards in bulk
Well maybe not in bulk, but at the end of each month look ahead and if you have three birthdays and your in-laws' anniversary in the weeks ahead, stock up on correspondence for the month. Purchase a few cards you need, plus a few that may come unannounced.
3. Just Say No
When it comes to events and gatherings, set your default to "no". Make exceptions when it's a get-together you're honestly excited about. Tell yourself now that it's OK to say no and you'll be more pleased when it comes time to really celebrate.
Whether it's saving money on your auto insurance or saving you time for the precious moments in life, 21st Century Insurance wants you to have a great life! Save time, money and a few trees, by enrolling in the 21st AutoPay program

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