Content area reading refers to the
reading that someone needs to complete and understand in a particular
subject area. The content areas typically included disciplines like
science, social studies/history and math, but any area outside of
English literature instruction constitutes a content area.
The reading associated with content area courses reflects not only
the concepts and ideas important to these subjects, but also the text
structures used by those practicing the field. The following tips are a
few methods for helping students develop strong content areas reading
How to improve content area reading
Text Structure Analysis
Helping students understand how particular content area texts are
constructed helps them unlock the information inside them. Teachers
should spend time demonstrating how texts are physically
structured on
the page and how the layout can aid students in understanding the piece.
Text features such as illustrations, captions, bold print, footnotes
and text boxes should be explored and discussed. In addition, students
should become familiar and comfortable with the rhetorical modes used in
content area texts. Generally most expository texts are written in the
cause-effect, compare-contrast or sequencing formats.
Textbook Walk-throughs
Before students can “tackle” the information in their textbooks they
have to understand how they work. This may seem like common sense to a
seasoned reader, but many adolescents do not know how to use their
textbooks. Teachers should spend time talking with students about how
their content area textbook is laid out and where to find information.
At the beginning of each unit it is worthwhile for teachers to give
students opportunities to preview the chapter(s) they will be reading so
that they become familiar with how information is presented and where
to locate certain types of information.
Before-During and After Reading Activities
Because content area studies rely so heavily on connecting prior
knowledge to new information, a good deal of time should be spent
preparing students to read specific content area texts. During the
“before reading” portion of a lesson students should be given
opportunities to active prior knowledge, develop or understand the
questions they will be expected to answer through their reading, make
predictions about the text and/or set a purpose for reading. While
reading a content area text, students should be encouraged to ask and
answer questions and to monitor their reading comprehension. After
reading they should make connections and extend their understanding of
the topic that they read about.
Often times students get so used to teachers asking questions about
content after they have finished reading a text that they forget that
asking one’s own questions during a reading task is one of the best
strategies for ensuring comprehension. Students should be given
opportunities to ask and answer their own questions about content area
texts. They can generate inquiry questions before reading which they
will answer while reading or can ask and answer clarifying questions as
they move through a text. The goal of this activity is for students to
integrate spontaneous “silent” questioning into their independent
reading experiences.
Vocabulary Strategies
Vocabulary is essential for understanding content area texts. Think
about all of the subject specific vocabulary words that are necessary to
understand a content area textbook. For example, you could not possibly
comprehend a social studies chapter on the geography of Africa if you
do not know the meanings of the words “desert”, “savannah” and
“rainforest”. Each content area expects its practitioners to not only
have strong general vocabularies, but also an understanding subject
specific words. Students should be encouraged and assisted in learning
content area vocabulary words. Strategies such as word maps,
collaborative glossaries (content specific dictionaries created by the
class) and classification and categorization activities help students
develop strong content area vocabularies.
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