
Monday, 28 September 2015

Best Topics That People Just Love To Read About

People Love To Read Great Content !
They Love even more the people who write that great content.
In today's post I will talk about 9 topics that people love to read that will boost their engagement towards you, your brand or your blog!

1. Top # Lists

Yeah, I know, I know..
You read about this all the time..Ok, I get it..

For those of you that really didn't hear about this like a thousand times, lists are the number one content type that people like to read.
There easy to read, easy to understand, straight to the point without too much fluff.

2. Infographics

These ''babies'' can present to their audience, information and complex data in a cartoon style way, making them super easy to understand.
That's why I created Infographic Friday where I ''scavenge'' the web and I collect the best Infographics related to the internet marketing niche.
I fell in love with infographics the first time I saw one. It was love at first sight... :)

3. How-to's / Tutorials

Ok, you don't have to be a ''brainiac'' to figure this out.
How-to articles are loved by people because they solve problems or explain in a step-by-step way how to do something.

4. Reviews

Honest Reviews are also loved by people. People like to research and read about opinions from other people who have used a traffic source, a marketing tool, a seo website, a plugin or an affiliate product or course.
Be aware though.. Do not make false reviews just to make an impression.
Readers are not fools..
If they understand that your review is a fake review - that has been done only for promotional purposes or to gain traffic from the specific keyword, then you are in great danger to hurt your blogs image - and your self's .
You need to actually use the product in order to review it. Always remember that.

5. Case Studies

Research is great, but real-world case studies are proof something works.
People can study real life examples, learn from their mistakes or its innovative ideas.
Case Studies are like observing someone else behavior and learning through his experiences.
For me is like serving marketing tactics on a plate !

6. VS Articles

Vs articles in when you compare to products that do the same job, two websites that in the same niche, two platforms that offer the same thing.
In general people love to read comparisons.
This helps them to understand better the service and to make a decision easier !

7. Interviews

Who doesn't like to read a good interview about someone on his niche..
Take for example oprah.. She never talks about her self. Sho only talks about other people and thus people love her !
A guy named Mike created a blog called where he does video interviews from various internet marketers. Note that I am a big fan of his interviews !
Interviews are a must to your blog's success and - trust me - it will keep your readers more than happy !

8. Videos

Well I think there isn't much to say about this one. Thing's are obvious.
Studies shows that people are watching more video than ever before. If you haven;t implement video to your marketing strategies then you are obviously doing something wrong.
Great videos (even if they are not yours) will enhance your blogs content strategy and it will keep your readers more time to your websites and more engaged.
TIP: Try Creating a special category or insert a plugin on your sidebar with the most popular videos from your blog.

9. ''What is'' Articles

How many times do you type the phrase ''What is ........'' following almost anything - on Google?
I personally type it 3 times a day... At least..
Imagine if your blog solves the questions of the thousands readers out there in your niche.
Would they or would they not Fall in love with you?

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